There’s an email purporting to be from Chase Bank, claiming that you have 1 unread message. If the recipient clicks on the link in the email, they will be taken to a fake Chase bank website where they’re asked to enter personal details to verify their account. This is a phishing scam out to steal personal information from people and sold to 3rd party marketers or used for fraudulent online activity.

The fake website is currently off-line and or blocked, but these scammers will launch a new web site and dress it up to look like the real Chase online banking site. The scammers will then send out more email spam with subtle changes to the subject line, return address, and a new link to another fake website usually hosted on a different web server.Chase Bank Phishing Scam

Example Email

From: Chase Bank (spoof email)

Subject: You have (1 Unread Message)

To view your message, please click on the link below to verify your account at Chase Bank.

VIEW YOUR MESSAGE (Link to bogus web site)

If you have receive an email from Chase bank informing you have (1 Unread Message), you should use extreme caution and ensure that the web address is authentic (

Chase Bank will never send customers emails requesting personal details.