Tech Jaws is a technology news site aimed at the general public, particularly at the technology-enthusiast. We won’t talk down to you or hard-core nerd-out on you without some warning.

Our aim is to bring to our readers the latest tech news and tidbits while they’re still fresh in the water. We do this by hunting down the good bits amongst the mainstream, backwater channels, and our local feeding frenzies and serving it to you. Because if you’re a tech news shark like us, you want to get straight to the good stuff.

Meet Our Team

Frank Jovine (Owner & Author)

Frank JovineThe idea for Tech Jaws and most of the look of the site came from Frank’s mind – a place you wouldn’t want to vacation. Frank takes his run of the waters up North, and has been building successful web sites for years. He’s a regular within social communities like StumbleUpon, Reddit and Digg. His favorite appetite for tech savvy web sites include, TechCrunch, ZDNet, and helping members in Yahoo Answers in the Computer category. He is a bull living in a techie world!

Email: boscony[@]

Nikola Ranguelov (Author)

Nikola RanguelovNikola graduated from DePaul University with a Master’s in New Media Study [and a focus in Human-Computer Interaction]. He has worked for a great variety of companies doing things ranging from web design & usability testing all the way to radio & TV show production [he has had 3 internships with WTTW – Channel 11, WTMX and the Chicago Public Radio]. Nikola always strives to deliver good usability in his designs and is a passionate advocate for the user. He was born in Bulgaria and when he was 6 years old his dad brought home a computer from work for a weekend – Nikola has been a techie, anxious to learn more, ever since.

Follow Nikola on Twitter @nickdotvr

James Adams (Author)

James AdamsJames Adams is interested in all things tech, so he makes sure he keeps up to date on all the latest trends. He is based in England, where he works for a leading office supplies specialist called Office Kitten. James has submitted a number of quality guest posts on TechJaws and we thought it would be best to give him a home right here.

Email: james.adams[@]

Brad Kelley (Author)

Brad KelleyBrad has been playing in the world of technology since he was a kid. His first computer was an Atari 800, he bought at Sears. From then on he has had more than one computer at his disposal for testing and learning about many of the Operating Systems offered today. He is a Redhat Certified Administrator and has worked with most operating systems, but prefers Linux. Current OS is Fedora 14, running a custom kernel, of course.

As well as writing articles for Brad also writes for Crackednoodle, PS3Mediaservers and Xbox Mediaservers. His How Tos’ have been featured on

He’s passionate about technology and loves a good challenge. Brad is an avid cyclist. You can find him most weekends during the summer on the mountain bike trails around Michigan.

Email: hurst075[@]

Bob Jamieson (Author)

Bob JamiesonBob got his first computer in 1986. It had a whopping 512KB of RAM (yes, “K”, not “M), a 20MB (yes, “M”, not “G”) HDD, an 8MHz 8086 processor, and no mouse of course, because it had an early version of command line DOS. For almost 24 years now, Bob has been “into” computers, primarily focused on stability and security, with a particular emphasis now on “safe surfing”. For several years Bob was a moderator on the McAfee forums, but no longer uses McAfee and is “retired” as a “McAfee Maniac”. In his working days Bob was a chemist in the environmental arena. A primary hobby outside computers is cooking.

Email: rbjamie[@]

If you would like to join TechJaws and be a contributor, please contact Frank Jovine at the email above. Please include links to any articles you have published.