People used to dream of an automated home. Now it’s a reality. Providing more security and convenience, smart homes are increasingly becoming popular. You can rely on a smart home to respond to your voice commands, alert you to possible emergencies at home, and send and track information for you. Smart home systems also increase the energy efficiency at your home, allowing you to reduce your bills. But smart homes are not built the same. Learn about all the features you should include in your home automation system. Here’s a checklist to point you in the direction.

Smart temperature control

Remote thermostats automatically maintain the right temperature in your home so you no longer have to keep monitoring it. Advanced systems can track the temperature in different areas of your home and adjust the cooling and heating mechanism accordingly. The self-monitoring function allows the thermostat to regulate your home’s temperature in a smarter way, so that cooler rooms such as the basement won’t be getting as much air-conditioning treatment. This results in energy savings for the homeowner.

Smart temperature control systems allow homeowners to reduce their cooling and heating bills, as well as create the most comfortable temperature for your home. Moreover, you get peace of mind even on times when you leave for work or travel and you forgot to change your settings, as you could easily manage your device remotely.

Smart water sensors

Whether you have old pipes that run the risk of bursting or you are living in a rainy location, your house could be susceptible to water leaks. Pipes are especially likely to freeze and break in the cold months. Water sensors can help you detect the problems before they even occur. They serve as a precautionary system that lets you fix issues before they get out of hand. Automated water sensors sound an alarm and turn off the water on its own as soon as a leak is detected.

Considering how preventing such accidents could spare your furniture, tiling, rugs, and other such stuff, the system proves to be a worthy investment.

Smart lighting

Smart home lighting can help reduce your energy consumption and save more, and protect the environment. This is because such devices will determine exactly when the lights should be turned on and when they’re best switched off. If you’ve left home but have a nagging feeling that you may have forgotten to switch off the lights, you won’t have to return to your house to check. A smart home lighting system will let you check remotely, even from the other side of the world!

Another great feature of smart home lighting is that it lets you turn the lights on and off remotely, allowing you to create an illusion of your home being occupied even while you are away. If you are traveling and there’s no one at home, you can switch the lights on sporadically throughout the day. This works great for keeping burglars away and for ensuring your home’s security.

Smart locks

Smart lock systems spare you the inconvenience of dealing with stolen or lost keys. It also lets you provide your family, friends and caregivers with access to your home without having to hand over keys or to be physically present. You can even limit access to only specific hours of the day and monitor everything that happens while you’re away. You also benefit in many small ways, such as when you arrive home and your hands are carrying shopping or grocery bags. A smart lock will let you enter your home with more ease. Investing in a system like this unlocks a world of convenience and security.

Smart door sensors

Door sensors track daily movements and establish patterns, detecting unexpected and unusual events both inside and around your home. Sensors are easily installed on the hinges of doors.

Around two-thirds of break-ins happen because of windows and doors that are left open. Investing in door sensors can help make sure you don’t become part of the statistics. These devices will also help you monitor your garage door, which is most vulnerable to break-ins.

Smart intercom systems

A smart intercom system lets you communicate with everyone else at home via voice-activated devices. It seamlessly connects several rooms within your home. You can use the video chat feature to speak with people from another room, even those at your front door. Now you won’t have to step out of your house to talk to mailmen and delivery men. This means more security for you and your home. You can even talk to your family members while you are busy in the kitchen, or speak with incoming guests even as you are chilling in your backyard. It’s a whole new world of convenience and security for you.

Smart home theaters

Home theaters are increasingly becoming more popular, mostly because people prefer to ditch the expensive cinema tickets, noisy audience, and dragging previews. A smart home theater sweetens up the deal with its hands-free features. You can program the room so it automatically connects to your Bluetooth devices or configures the lighting just the way you like it. You can even set its functions so that you can manually dictate commands without leaving the couch.

Smart home theaters let you control everything using only a tablet or a smartphone. The system can connected to projectors and TVs, and act as a universal remote control.

Smart security cameras

Smart home security cameras can give a massive boost to your security monitoring system. And wireless cameras are the way to go. Unless you choose to turn them off, your security cameras will be recording everything and storing the footage in the cloud. A wireless alarm system lets you avoid unsightly cables and gives you access to the cameras from anywhere in the world. You get to see what’s happening inside your home even while you are away.

Smart security cameras can be connected to your other home automation systems, allowing you to control them on cue. You can set it up so it causes the lights to turn on once movement is detected. You can also program the cameras so that they only start recording when there’s motion, allowing you to avoid useless hours of recording.

This home automation system checklist will help you put together a system that will make your home a lot more convenient and secure. Embrace the future and bring these amazing features to your own home. The Automatic trash can is also becoming popular in people’s daily life. Try to place one in your home.