Even our homes need to be smart these days. It’s not enough that homeowners never forget to lock their doors or constantly remind their children to not let strangers in. Burglary and home invasions are very serious threats today. As home security systems become more sophisticated, so do burglars and intruders. The U.S. has the most reported cases of burglary than any nation in the world, with a burglary happening every 15 seconds according to the FBI. Yes, by the time you finished reading the previous sentences, another home fell in the hands of thieves and intruders.
A research by the University of North Carolina found that most burglars try to find out if a target home has security devices. Burglars avoid secured homes and flee if an alarm sounded. But the more alarming statistic is a report by the Bureau of Justice that says at least one household member was home in approximately 28% of burglaries. And 7% of the time, that household member suffers some form of violence.
Home security is a must. You can never let your guard down. A community with home security systems installed is a nightmare for burglars. So what happens if living in a smart home with the latest security devices becomes a mainstream thing? What will it mean to our safety? What will it mean to burglars and intruders? Will they be enough to deter crimes for long?
Effective crime deterrent
Having an alarm and security system at home gives you peace of mind and to burglars, well, a nightmare. A research that studied the decision-making process of actual burglars showed that the presence of security alarms and cameras put burglars off. The research found that 73% of the respondents would leave and seek an alternative target. Among those that discovered the alarm while attempting a burglary, half said they will discontinue the attempt. An earlier study by Rutgers also found that alarm systems are valuable crime-fighting tools. Case in point was the community of Newark where there has been a steady decrease in burglaries at the same time that the number of homes with security systems increased. This shows that the relation between the decrease in burglary cases and popularity of security systems are not just a coincidence. If a home is protected by a reliable security system, burglars sense fear and eventually hesitate. On the other hand, unprotected homes are more vulnerable to intruders.
Keep tabs on home and kids
It’s more than just an alarm these days. The technology has improved a lot over the years. A modern home security system will allow you to remotely access your home, properties, and loved ones. By installing cameras all over your house, you can monitor what’s happening in there 24/7 with just software or a mobile app. You will know who gets in and out, what your family is doing at the moment, or if something suspicious is happening. This is especially helpful for families with kids and elders. At least, you can have peace of mind while working in the office knowing that your child eats on time and follows a healthy routine.
A smart home is more than just hype
Smart homes are gaining popularity these days. Setting up a smart home security system is one way to make a home sustainable. Last January, Google acquired Nest, a startup in smart home automation technology, for $3.2 billion, proving that home control and automation technology is really gaining traction. So what makes a smart home a sustainable home? It does not only deter crime, smart home security devices allow you to remotely control your thermostat, lights, and other electrical devices. This is especially helpful when you are on vacation. You can turn the lights on and off to make it look like someone’s home. You also do not need to worry about leaving your curling iron plugged or forgetting to change your thermostat. It can also notify you and the proper authorities in case of gas leaks and fire emergencies. Smart huh?
Savings on energy and insurance
If you are thinking how to achieve a sustainable home with smart home security, then think about your monthly electricity bill. With a smart home technology, you can manage your energy consumption on any web-enabled device. You should know by now that plugged appliances including those on stand-by still consume a lot of energy. We often forget about them when rushing to get out of the house. But with a smart home, you don’t have to worry about “vampire consumption” anymore. You can turn them on or off at will wherever you are. And since your home is more secure now, you can lower your homeowner’s insurance by up to 20%. Installation fees are a one-time thing so the returns of having a security system are for the long haul.
Is it enough?
Any technology is only as smart as you want it to be. Your home security system may offer the latest technology, but if you don’t know how to use and maximize it, then it is useless. As security systems become more sophisticated, so are the tricks of burglars. In fact, some of them just need to go through unlocked doors and windows with no force necessary. All members of the household must be informed and taught how to operate and use the security system.
Having peace of mind is priceless. Getting a really restful sleep at night is something that no money or insurance can buy. A reliable home security system is necessary to protect our homes, valuables, and families. A lot of people still take their chance, but luck eventually runs out. If home security becomes a mainstream thing, burglars will be deterred and will know how it feels to be at the other side of the fence, afraid and unsure. It has evolved into smarter versions over the years, this time making homes more sustainable. Now, more than ever, homeowners can feel safer and more secure with the added bonus of being environment friendly.