For many IT companies, there is the question of how to organize the software development workflow in a most efficient way. Naturally, since this is a creative question, there is no single opinion, so there are many disputes around this issue. At the moment, the software development management model can be broken into two main branches. Both have its advantages and disadvantages and are selected for each company individually. However, for some types of companies, only one method is best suited. For example, working with offshore teams, it’s better that they work on the principle of agile programming, which is a good alternative to the waterfall model.

The Beginning of Agile Management Model

Modern software systems are cumbersome and complex. Entire teams of specialists of different profiles work on the creation of a modern program. The standard development team at this time includes programmers, testers, UI and UX designers, analysts, system administrators, etc. A whole team works to provide the end customer with a high qualitative product as soon as possible. To settle and get a quick and high quality result, about 17 years ago a new project management model was proposed.

But What is Agility?

Agile software development model is a flexibility that is one of the key qualities of modern companies, business processes and specialists. This model allows you to react quickly to changes in the product direction. It means that a company with an agility management model is able to maintain its competitiveness and outplay its competitors. The Agility model is a flexible project management system. On the basis of such systems, popular methods of Kanbun, Scrum, etc., have been developed. The main principle of this model is the development of software using short iterations and cycles.

The Methodologies of Agile Model and the Impact on Development Teams

The major approach of agility model is creation new methodologies. For example, there was the practice of extreme programming, a process where one software developer is engaged in writing code, and another one at the same time continuously scans the just written code. Another popular methodology is Scrum, which is designed to develop high-value products in an intricate environment. There are also techniques such as FDD (which is aimed at delivering the product on time), Crystal Method, etc. Agile management methods have influenced the world in such a way that everything around develops with frenzied speed.

How can companies improve their business processes, which have been existing since many, many years?

Waterfall software management model is a classic business strategy for software development. However, in 2001, the world was presented with the Agility model of product management and product development. Waterfall model is obsolete, due to the rapid technological progress. This model is absolutely not suitable for an offshore company. Outsourcing and offshore developments are so popular that they use the agile model to achieve effective software design. You never know how the product behaves and how end users treat it. Consequently, the possibility of changing the orientation of the product is vital in the modern world. However, it should be noted that both methodologies are used in companies all around the world. Since developers need to be able to work under the condition of any of the models, hence their income is not depend on it. In the US, software development manager salary will be $133,000 per year, and a software development engineer salary will be $118,000 per year.

The Agility Limitations

However, like in any other method, Agility also has its limitations. The ability at any time to change the direction of the program, may lead to the fact that it will never be released. Also, limited resources for this model, can greatly worsen the result of the project. Agility requires high-quality developers with excellent skills to achieve the highest customer success. Agile bears the character of creative management. By itself, it cannot be a clear instruction for any action, since it is not intended for this purpose. Also, in projects with agile management model it will be extremely difficult to calculate the final cost of the final product.

The Best Practices of Moving from Waterfall to Agile Model

Members of Hellenic Open University conducted the study on the transition from traditional waterfall to agile software developmentĀ  methodologies on large projects. The results of the study was not clearly straight. Agile methodology positively affects the company’s revenues, customer satisfaction, and hence the satisfaction of the company’s employees. For large companies, with a long history, it will be a very risky step to transform completely to the agile model. They must carefully consider the transition strategy. One of the best practices can be the experiment of a neat transition from waterfall to agile by IBM. We can say that Apple is also a good representative of the agile model. PayPal can be mentioned among other good examples of how to manage a software development project using agile.

Is it Worth Choose the Agility Software Development?

Agile software development is a modern methodology of development management in the IT industry. One of the most popular advantages of the method is the ability to make edits to the project task from the client. This allows to adapt to the end user and, as practice shows, increases the number of stakeholders in the company. Also, the agile method reduces the risk that the product will become obsolete from the time the developer received the initial task. This method is suitable for companies with a big number of clients, such as offshore companies. However, for large companies, it is necessary to carefully choose the strategy of transition from the traditional management method to agile.