Mavericks – Mac OS X 10.9 – has already been released and most of the users have successfully upgraded to this most recent version of Macintosh operating system. When asking users about the reasons for upgrading, you may get different responses that eventually led them to a newer platform – Mac OS X Mavericks. For instance, in some responses, you may get to know about some Your system has run out of application memoryissues that prompted for the upgrade. However, does the upgrade to the newer platform guarantee problem free operation? In fact, people are experiencing problems on Mavericks with the following error or warning message:

“Your system has run out of application memory.”

To overcome the problem as stated above, you have to restart your system to get back to a working state. However, restarting your Mac to solve this issue is not the everlasting solution, as you cannot do this each time to escape this unknown issue.

Insight into the Problem

When your Mavericks system freezes, you may think it’s due to over utilization of RAM. This is not the reason why your Mac freezes or locks up. You can go check the Activity Monitor and see one or more applications eating up RAM. You can kill those applications to release memory to be used for execution of the required programs. You would have to repeat the process of shutting down those applications whenever you start up again. In time you will eventually uninstall those applications to keep RAM free for other applications.

As you scroll down in Activity Monitor you see another process, namely “devicemgra” eating up application memory (i.e. RAM). However, since you do know what this process is, you cannot kill it forcibly.

Fixing the Problem

After a thorough research you eventually find out that the problem relates to the Profile Manager, and you quickly kill the process in Activity Manager. Later, you find that your Mac system is running fine and you experience considerable improvement in performance. Moreover, you see an instant decrease in the Memory Pressure in the Activity Manager window.

After further research you find that the “devicemgra” process is part of the Mac OS X Server App that you upgraded after installing Mavericks. Well, since you have killed the process associated to Mavericks, you need to monitor performance to make sure that it’s not hampering performance to your Mac. To do this, you may consult Mac experts, but first check the following log file located below.


Having a look at the contents of the log file it clearly shows why there was an issue with the process, which is why it kept restarting over and over again. Run the following Terminal commands to fix the issue:

sh-3.2# serveradmin fullstatus devicemgr

devicemgr:state = “STOPPED”

sh-3.2# serveradmin fullstatus postgres_server

postgres_server:error = “FILE_NOT_FOUND_ERR”

Subsequently, run the following SQL Command on Terminal:

sudo -u _devicemgr /Applications/ -d devicemgr_v2m0 -h /Library/Server/ProfileManager/Config/var/PostgreSQL -c “DELETE FROM db_notifications WHERE message LIKE ‘[DMDevicemgrd updateAllProfilesForID:%’;”

Well, the command actually results in memory build up and stops the unnecessary utilization of system resources. However, the Mac OS X Server App process may launch again after the Memory Pressure decreases and the memory usage may become 100 percent again. Restarting Mavericks may help you for some time, but not permanently. However, you can certainly conquer this issue if you download the update “various Profile Manager Migration issues” for Mac OS X Server released by Apple. Keep in touch with the Apple support guys regarding help for the issue encountered.

Author Bio: Vishal is the author of the above article. You can catch him on Google+ and subscribe to his latest tips & tricks to speedup slow MacbookPro.