According to recent data presented by UNSECO, it has been found out that a record number of youth are not attending schools due to the devastating impact of the pandemic and its aftermath. This has caused great upheavals and downturns in terms of acquiring regular academics insights via conventional classrooms. On the contrary, this has increased the demand for online assignment help.

For instance, every 8 out of 10 students are seen to avail online essay writing services. Reason? Since their schools have come to a temporary closure, the young minds are now perplexed over certain things.

For instance:

  • How to approach tricky or complicated essay topics?
  • How to conduct the right research and analytical studies?
  • How to pick and use unique slants and innovative stances?

Now, this is what marks the foundation of online home schooling essentially. Having said that, there are other aspects to consider when it comes to carrying out or organising online home schooling. So, in case, you are not aware of how to go about the entire process of executing digital home schooling during the time of corona, take some time out to reads this blog. It shall guide you through the nitty-gritty detail of how to carry out a successful home-schooling session without hampering productivity and academic attentiveness at any cost.

Here is everything you must know about. Happy reading!

  1. Encourage your wards to stay active online

Staying active online is merely about the green light that blinks. There is much more to it. Staying active online means remaining focused on the digital sessions that are being carried out. Also, online activities imply a lot of things, such as:

  • Taking active interests in attending video calls should be the priority.
  • For instance, when a video tutorial is on, the young ones should not drift away from the session and go inattentive down the road.
  • So, parents need to lay more focus here and monitor how their wards are performing online, in terms of establishing seamless communication and following up with the lessons taught.
  • In addition to it, students themselves must be responsible enough in the matter of attending online classes in a way it is supposed to be.
  • Here, parents have a pivotal role to play as well. They can always encourage their children to embrace the boon called online home schooling.
  • If you are wondering how, then the best way to motivate the young ones is by introducing them to the perks of home schooling.
  • You can cite perks and features such as the fun of staying back at home, munching on their favourite snacks, and reading textbooks and sample assignments online.
  • Also, you can introduce students to the benefits of exploring a plethora of well-knit assignment samples, journals, interesting videos, and other academic articles via digital mediums.

Once students get to gauge the key benefits of attending online classes, they will automatically grow interests in being a part of this initiative.

  1. Be optimistic and cheerful with your child

You got to acknowledge the fact that the young ones look up to their parents, and in most cases, they would consider them the idols to seek inspiration from. So, be careful regarding the words you would say or moves you would make. Most youngsters are going through mild to severe depression pertaining to the present situation where the world is under lockdown.

They could hardly step out of their houses and meet their friends or ride a bicycle out in the park, and the likes. All these downturns have already got the better of their mental health. Thus, it could be quite a challenge for parents to keep their wards motivated towards attending schools and online classes from home.

So, it is suggested to try out these following ideas to keep things optimistic and cheerful for the young ones.

  • Allow them to take enough breaks in between studies.
  • Do not go overly strict in the matter of staying glued to the computer screen to solve that one tricky math problem sum for hours.
  • Instead, never let your children feel that they need to follow some hard and fast rule to attend their regular online classes.
  • Simply try and be a bit lenient. Even though it does not mean you would not pay attention to your child, but you must not cling to the notion of being unnecessarily stern or inflexible.
  1. Establish a strong home school communication

This is important for parents to consider and monitor. Home schooling can be challenging on the grounds of establishing steady communication between educator and students. Parents have a significant role to play here. They need to take charge of the situation and see whether their wards can stay connected to their teachers on the other side of the computer screen seamlessly.

Here are some ideas that one must incorporate to seek further clarity in this context.

  • Urge your child and his/her teachers to establish a two-way feedback drive.
  • Here, the tutor will be sending across daily academic feedback, based on students’ performance.
  • On the other hand, the student will be sharing his/her concerns over a particular lesson or academic exercises such as tricky math problems and the likes.
  • This, as a result, will make things much transparent in terms of establishing the right form of home school communication.
  1. Offer in-house academic support

Even though most parents are unlikely to develop brilliant academic insights into each subject matter, they can still do their bit. When your wards are at home, they would somewhat try to rely on their parents for quick guidance and other instructional supports. So, you can always take a step ahead in this matter and approach such situations in the following manner.

  • Review assignments and keep an eye for grammatical mistakes, syntactical errors, and other silly goof-ups, prior to sending across the task to the final recipient.
  • In case you are good with techs, then you can offer instructional support by helping your child navigate through digitised libraries or use a particular academic app in the right manner.
  • If there are errors such as app troubleshooting and the like, then you can always help your ward in fixing the issue successfully.
  • Also, parents can conduct short, interactive after-class sessions. Once the online classes get over, simply sit with your child for an hour or so.
  • Simply revisit the lessons that were taught online and ask your child to narrate the synopsis of the chapters in simple sentences.
  • See if they can explain the lessons thoroughly. In case, there are hiccups, try and solve the query instantly.
  1. Provide strong organisational support as well

This is again one crucial aspect of the meeting if you want to support online home schooling in the right manner. Here are some critical pointers for you to evaluate and dimensions to meet to ensure strong organizational support for home schooling.

  • See if the Wi-Fi is working fine. If not, then get in touch with your internet service provider immediately, and get the issues fixed.
  • Encourage your child to attend early morning classes without fail.
  • Check and confirm whether the young ones have all the necessary tools, exercises books, and supplementary papers at their disposal when they would attend online classes.
  • Monitor and ensure that your wards take an active interest in keeping notes of what is being taught or explained online.

Key Takeaways

In a world where things are changing rapidly in terms of online education and learning, the strategies will come into play in every stage of your life. And when it comes to supporting the notion of home schooling during the time of the pandemic, these essential approaches will help you win over all challenges seamlessly.

So, before signing off, let us take a close look at the minutes of this blog, for easy references on the go.

  • Encourage children to remain active online.
  • Be optimistic and embrace positivity.
  • Ensure strong home school communication.
  • Prioritise the aspect of providing strong organisational support as well.


Author Bio: Mark Hales is an experienced academic writer, working on behalf of the brand In addition, he is a dedicated home-schooling organiser and consultant, coming all the way from Glasgow, the United Kingdom.

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