A GPS tracker is a tracking device for activities such as hiking in the mountains, trekking, via ferrata or canyoning. This type of device allows you to keep in touch with family members or your team in real time, even when there is no cellular network.

What is GPS tracking?

GPS tracking is a technology that allows you to monitor or obtain the location of a person, an animal or an object. This also tells you its precise position: latitude, longitude, direction.

If you own a mobile phone, you know that it allows you to share your location with whoever you want. Thus, a friend can always find you on a map provided you are connected to the Internet via a cellular or Wi-Fi network.

While you are on the trail, you will find many places where has poor cell service coverage. In that case, you can connect GoFindMe with your phone and then you can use your phone to communicate with other GoFindMe users without cell service.

Why uses a GPS tracker for your outdoor activities?

Outdoor activities are entertaining whether with friends or family. However, not everyone advances at the same pace and a group can separate. A personal GPS tracker can help you in such a situation to locate all the people on a map and know where they are precisely and you avoid moments of anxiety.

The same is true if you bring your pet. You can spend a lot of time knowing where your dog has gone. While a simple GPS tracker around his neck will help you find your pet’s position at any time.

It is not only for outdoor activities that a GPS tracker is very useful. Think for example of your child going to school alone and as a parent, you cannot help but think if he is well. In such a situation, a GPS tracker can reassure you and offer you peace of mind.

There are GPS trackers incorporating the geofencing function that allows you to define a safe area for children. Security Zones are geographical boundaries that you can select from an application that will alert you when children cross the zone boundary.

Can I use a GPS tracker without a cellular network?

Yes, some GPS trackers work without a SIM card or Internet connection. AIBLUE recently launched a campaign inviting people to express their interest in the GoFindMe GPS tracker, which will be released soon. A 25% discount will be given at the launch to those who join the waiting list.

The device looks like a big USB stick that can also be attached to a strap, bag or necklace of a pet. Aiblue indicates that this device will work without a SIM card or cellular connection and that its connectivity extends up to 5 km.

The GoFindMe GPS Tracker battery should run for 72 hours without charge. The device will have an offline map, an off-network chat option (voice + message) and will not require a monthly subscription. It will also define a safe area for children and will have an SOS button for quick help.

The GoFindMe will be a very useful device when you go for an outdoor outing with your family and friends. We will offer you a GPS Tracer Test as soon as we receive it.

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