It was a busy year for security firms and 2010 will be more of the same. In 2009, we called it the Godzilla of worms – Conficker and its many variants. There were more than 40 misleading applications known also as scareware, fake security software and rogue software. The publishers of these misleading applications made billions according to the FBI. Let’s not forget about the spam that came in the form of lottery winnings from Nigeria and other countries. It was quite a year!

What could we expect to see in 2010? No one, not even the top security firms know what will be the big threat and risk of 2010. In my opinion, whatever it is, it will be big.

I encourage everyone to be smart and always make sure your security applications are up to date. You can even take it one step further by downloading the mywot add-on for Firefox and Internet Explorer at This add-on will keep you safe from clicking on links that have been identified as dangerous by the Web of Trust community. Having a proactive tool can really make a difference for you and your family.

On the lighter side,  I am still waiting on money to be deposited in my bank account by some guy from Nigeria who wants me to have it because, well, he is a spammer and he might have read my profile some where and read that I tried spam once and I didn’t like it. Oh well, I will just have to wait.

2009 Top Security Threats, Worms, and Spam

Security Tool Virus – This misleading application caused havoc for many users and TechJaws has received more than 110 comments on our article called – “How to Remove Security Tool Virus.”

Conficker – The Godzilla of worms, but it has been silenced and I hope it stays that way.

Lottery Winnings – If I had a dollar for every spam email I received telling me someone wants to send me lottery winnings or transfer money to my bank account, I would be rich.

Check out all 150+ security threats by visiting our Security category.

Happy New Year everyone!