It’s a presidential spam war and Sen. Barack Obama and Gov. Sarah Palin are both winners when it comes to spam. Have you received any spam email relating to the election?

The amount of spam that mentioned Obama beat out that of his rival, Sen. John McCain, by a ratio of 6 to 1 during the month of September, according to a study released by Secure Computing. Likewise, Palin outranked her opponent, Sen. Joe Biden, by a ration of 6 to 1. The results were published Friday in a PCMagazine report.

The numbers don’t mean much in terms of who actually wins the election, but they do show that spammers are staying on top of what names are hot among Internet users. A “surge” of Obama spam apparently occurred around September 3, about the time of the Republican National Convention, according to PCMagazine.

“Though the spam message content itself is nonsensical, the basic themes of the Obama e-mail content does tend to revolve around the shallow factors that are espoused in the mainstream media as central campaign issues: race, disputes with Clinton, messianic oratory, and Fox news smears,” Secure Computing said in its study. “The McCain spam subjects are equally driven by shallow media propaganda, revolving around age and wealth.”