We all remember the original Nintendo, the hours we spent after playing and using the Contra key pattern to get all the free lives. Well now we can play all those games on your Windows Mobile 6 devices. There are just a few easy steps to get it up and running. You need to download a couple of files. The first one is the tgetfile.spvarm.cab this can be found all over, just do a Google search for it. Most people don’t tell you that you need that file, but the game EMU needs the tgetfile library to create the menu structure. Next file is Pocket Nester Plus for Windows Mobile 6. Download and save these CABs to your Windows Mobile Device. Then install the tgetfile.spvarm.cab first. Then install the Pocket Nester. Now copy your Nintendo game files with the NES extension to your device.

Find Pocket Nester on you start menu and start Pocket Nester. Select File then Open ROM. Browse to you NES games and click on one. Nintendo on your Windows Mobile device is that easy.

Here is a little demo.

Here are some tips to get you started.

  • By default, hit “S” to pull up the Pocket NES menus.
  • To get back to the game from the Pocket NES menus, go to File > Resume.
  • By default, the controls are:
    • D-PAD moves (up, down, left, right)
    • “O” is Button A
    • “P” is Button B
    • “G” is Select
    • “H” is Start
  • You can change the controls by:
    1. Hitting “S” to get to the Pocket NES menus
    2. Selecting “Options”
    3. Selecting “Controllers”
    4. Assign new key values for the different NES controls.
