bloggersYou have a blog and you are passionate about what you write, but your real motive is to gain popularity and fans. Are you really converting your traffic into loyal followers? In most cases many of us are not doing well with conversion.

Social networks work well in getting traffic, but not always for converting loyal followers. I use StumbleUpon, Digg and Reddit and have had big spikes in traffic on some of the articles I have published. In fact, I had articles bring in more than 4000 readers, but I only had a 5 percent conversion rate and a high bounce rate.

How can you increase your conversion rate?

Comment, comment and comment!!! That’s right; if you leave quality comments on other blogs in your niche, you will discover something far better than referral traffic from social networks, you will start to build a fan base! In most cases, authors from other blogs will reciprocate by commenting on your blog. In fact, you will also get visitors who are loyal followers of other blogs.

I usually comment on 10 blogs per day and only on blogs that are in my niche. It’s much easier to comment on what you know than what you don’t know. My motive isn’t only to convert new visitors into loyal followers, but also to get some good link juice.

You should try to spend at least an hour per day commenting on other blogs. You may learn a thing or two from other blog authors. It’s a win-win-win. You will learn, convert visitors into loyal followers and gain more backlinks.

Are you still reading? Go ahead and start commenting!