It was a well thought out concept with great vision, but a bad start with constant outages, excuses and no plan in place for scalability. Entrecard just committed suicide yesterday by changing the rules of their forum.

The Entrecard forums are by far the best value this startup has to offer, and there not state-of-the-art, far from it! If they had VBulletin or PHPBB I would have a different opinion. The Entrecard forums (Marketing forum) no longer allows members to pay credits to other members to submit, comment or vote your blogs with any social network or bookmark.

This is not the only thing that ruined Entrecard. The so-called owner/CEO call him what you want is non-existent. You hardly hear anything exciting other than his announcements about the low cost of $50 per month for a 125×125 banner advertisement. It’s not worth $50 to advertise at Entrecard, as their traffic is dropping faster than a piano falling from a 10 story building.

Here are some facts:

I check the Alexa ranking every week and the activity in the Entrecard forums. You will only see the same 15 to 20 members each day submitting requests, selling credits, etc. Entrecard announced in their blog that they have 15 thousand members and growing. They may have 15 thousand members, but there are 14,980 members that no longer participate.

The value of an EC credit is dropping like Sirius Satellite stock.

Dead start-up walking!

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