Not many people out there without a Gmail account. It is one of many services provided by Google. Gmail is one of the secure email services; provides complete protection to the users. It has implemented two-step verification for the protection.

Now-a–days, email hacking is the most severe headache of all. To send an important document over email has become difficult because of the fear of getting hacked. The group who had been behind the social book-marking service; Delicious has brought up a new idea of sending encrypted emails with an extension of Chrome- the Dmail. With Dmail, you can send the important emails to your colleagues without the tension of getting hacked by someone else.

Dmail is a self-destructive email service, helps to have control over messages that are sent via email. In the upcoming version of Dmail, it is targeting the facility for blocking the forward option. Thus, you can block the recipient from forwarding the email.

Working Of Dmail

As mentioned in above paragraph, Dmail allows sending encrypted email to the recipient provided that; the recipient should have the same service for viewing the encrypted message. Else, the message will be hidden and cannot be opened.

Dmail encrypts the email using the 256 bit encryption algorithm. When a message is sent using Dmail, the encrypted email is stored in the sender’s system and a copy is sent to the data-store of the Dmail. The message is then sent to the recipient’s data-store along with a key to decrypt the message. The message is secured well since the encrypted message and the decrypted key is not saved anywhere.

Another advanced feature of Dmail will allow users to revoke the email whenever they want, at any time. Gmail has the facility to un-send the emails after sending. The cancellation of the email is possible in a few seconds after the “Send” option is hit. You can click the ‘Undo Send’ option for not send to send, if needed. Keep in mind that it works only for a maximum of 30 seconds. With this new feature, you can cancel the email at any time.

How to get Dmail?

You can get Dmail from the Chrome Store and add it to the Gmail as an extension. Once downloaded, it will be seen at the right-corner of the search tab as;


In your Gmail ‘Compose’ Option, a new option will be seen; Dmail.


Either you can turn it off or on while sending the email to the recipient. Before sending the email, you can decide the time at which the mail should be destroyed i.e. by an hour, day, or week or you can set option to ‘never’. This will destroy the email after sending and if it’s set to ‘never’ option, doesn’t mean that you cannot revoke the email. You can revoke the email after if it is sent by opening the email and choose the revoke option available in it.


Once the message is revoked, none of the recipients will be able to read it again.

Message: “this message has been destroyed and is no longer available” will be seen if you try to read the email. For those without Dmail, while viewing the message will receive the message as: “Message Unavailable”.

If a message is sent via Dmail, the recipient can see the encrypted message, if Dmail is present in the system or else, the ‘view message’ option will take you to the site where you can read it.


Covering Up

Since coming up of Dmail, messages can be sent securely. The messages and the decrypt key is not stored in any of the serverd either in Gmail or Dmail. Hope this helps and you know more about the Dmail option to send secure, encrypted email.

Bio: As author of MS Outlook Tools, Peter has more than 20 years experience in the IT industry and he is now working with an expert data recovery firm. He has quality expertise in the Office products especially in Microsoft Outlook and loves to solve users problems by providing solutions.