site-speedThe buzz is flying in the SEO space about site speed having weight on Pagerank. It seems odd that Google will add such an indicator to its algorithm. What about sites like eBay, iStockphoto and Flickr to name a few? Will these sites be penalized due to their massive index of content and images? I doubt it.

During the last PubCon, Matt Cutts made a couple of interesting comments on this topic.

  • Matt confirmed (this has been known for some time) that page speed is already used as a metric for ads on the AdWords.
  • Site speed may be one of the 200 factors used to determine Pagerank.

I doubt that speed will be the only factor. I think Google will use speed factor coupled with bounce rate to determine that high bounce rate of a particular page is influenced by the page loading speed. At least that’s what I am hoping.

How to Speed Up WordPress

First off, if you have a WordPress blog, there are many ways to improve the speed of your site.

  1. Remove unnecessary php calls and change them to HTML. Read this article here.
  2. Add the WP-Super Cache Plug-in.
  3. Avoid using JavaScript’s that are resource hogs.
  4. Use no more than two web analytic services.
  5. Display no more than six posts displayed on your blogs homepage. If you’re using excerpts, than you can double that number.
  6. Make use of thumbnail images.
  7. Avoid using too many plug-ins. I try to keep it less than 10.

How to Speed Up a Website

  1. Make use of style sheets.
  2. Avoid using JavaScript’s that are resource hogs.
  3. Use no more than two web analytic services.
  4. Make use of thumbnail images.
  5. Avoid using too many web services.

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