Companies are always after more bang for their buck. Getting more out of their workers is one of the more popular ways to do it. Throughout history, management has always depended on the latest technology to give an upper-hand to their employees in pursuit of greater profits. Times haven’t changed, just the tools.productivity-tools-for-business

Here’s a rundown of today’s top tech responsible for boosting workplace productivity:

Comprehensive Communications Software

Getting questions answered is one of great necessary evils of day-to-day company operations. It wouldn’t be so bad if it didn’t consume so much time out of the workday. Waiting on emails and playing phone tag are major time wasters. Not so much with comprehensive communications software, more popularly known as Unified Communications.  Emails connect to text messages which connect to instant messaging, social media…you get the idea.

External Monitors

Once seen as computer nerd overkill external monitors have made a strong comeback as productivity-increasing technology in the workplace. Today’s laptop-driven tech startups typically consist of multi-taskers slowed down by their teeny weeny windows if there isn’t a secondary one to help share the burden. It’s a trend not restricted to office space.

Many industries, especially tech-heavy ones, have seen an uptick in the use of industrial panel PC boards, which are basically touchscreen external monitors built to withstand extreme environments. All this adds up to reduced time spent on monitoring and entering information into the system, which always means good things for business.

Flexible Work Space

Whether it’s desks made for both standing and sitting or the freedom for an employee to take their tablet computer and work from wherever, there’s abundant proof of productivity being tied to not being tied down to a desk and chair all day long. There’s something to be said for the human need to move around and explore and mobile tech enables this behavior. Traditional-model businesses risk stifling the creativity and motivation of their staff by keeping them cooped up and contained to cubicles when an array of technology exists allowing them to provide employees with more positive work environments.

Smartphone and Tablet Apps

It may seem dense sorting through which offer promising the biggest boost in productivity is the right one, so we’ll make it easy for you. Give IFTTT a try. An abbreviation of “If This Then That” IFTTT allows users to set up conditional commands known as recipes to expedite habitual activity between varying programs. For example a Tweet with a particular hashtag prompts a Facebook status post. But that’s just the tip of the iceberg. It’s been described as the first app to let you program without making you do any actual programming.


Often seen as the ultimate obstruction to workplace productivity, Google is actually the greatest technology we have to help increase productivity. Can we even imagine a time when information wasn’t accessible so easily? Remember back when we brought up how much of a burden question and answer sessions are to companies seeking faster workflow? Google enables proactive employees to take charge and seek advice and knowledge on their own.

Squeezing as much work out of the talent paid for without inciting revolt is a cornerstone of free enterprise. Productivity matters when every dollar does to a young and/or struggling company. Tech has historically helped tip the scales in favor of those willing to adapt it into their business models. These days are no different.