LifeLock, a heavily promoted company that claims to protect consumers against identity theft has been sued a number of times – (Google: Lifelock in the news). The lawsuits involve defrauding customers by offering services it cannot legally perform, and by touting a $1 million guarantee that is misleading.

Identity theft is growing rapidly World Wide. In 2007, 10 million Americans were victims of an identity theft crime costing $57 billion. That’s a big number and one that’s hard to comprehend.

Who can you trust to protect your identity? The website Identity Theft Labs provides a detailed comparison of the best identity protection companies such as; LifeLock, TrustedID, ID Watchdog, Debix and Identity Guard.


According to the chart, Identity Guard has the edge when it comes to identity theft protection. They will assist you through the entire process until your identity is successfully recovered. They also offer $1,000,000 in insurance backed by AIG.

How to avoid being a victim of identity theft

It’s great to sign up for a service in the event you become a victim, but taking proactive measurements can truly be more effective.

  • Keep your drivers license, credit cards and check books in a safe place.
  • Destroy or Shred all bank and credit card statements if you receive them by snail mail.
  • Don’t carry your birth certificate, social security card, or passport in your purse or wallet unless it’s absolutely necessary.
  • Be careful with who you share your Social Security number with. Don’t be afraid to ask why it’s necessary to provide your Social Security number.
  • Be aware of your surroundings when you’re at the ATM. People around you may be on the prowl for victims, and might be able to see your PIN over your shoulder.
  • Avoid writing passwords on paper, try to remember your passwords.
  • Shop online only with retailers that are trusted and well known.

Keep safe during the holiday season as this is the time of year when criminals make their biggest splash.

TechJaws has received no endorsement from Identity Guard or its partners.