Security Tool Virus a rogue anti-virus spreads via a fake warning page that looks just like the Firefox block page. The fake site prompts users with updates for Mozilla Firefox, but the update is actually an installer for Security Tool Virus. The story was originally reported by F-Secure.

If a user downloads the Mozilla fake update, they will be warned about an infection on the computer. The user, if convinced, will only be purchasing scareware authored by cyber-criminals in attempt to steal your money.

Fake Firefox Block Page

Image provided by F-Secure

The rogue application will automatically attempt to install itself on the machines of prospective marks in cases where scripts are enabled, net security firm F-Secure warns.

Firefox’s genuine attack warning technology is all server-side and never requests that users download updates. The attack relies, in part, on the ignorance of the majority of potential victims on this point.

If you were a victim of this scam and your computer is infected, please follow the removal instructions listed below and also visit the related articles to learn more on how to remove Security Tool Virus.

How to Remove Security Tool Virus


  1. Stop Security Tool Processes: [random numbers].exe
  2. Remove Security Tool Files
  3. C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\[random numbers]\
  4. C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\[random numbers]\[random numbers].exe
  5. Remove Security Tool

Registry Keys

*HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Security Tool
*HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Security Tool

  1. Remove Security Tool Startup Entry: [random numbers].exe


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