2010 is now on the history channel, but for some, it led to cash windfalls. Hackers and cybercriminals will continue their onslaught of attacks on social networks, rogue software peddling and fraudulent web sites.Security Threats 2011

The most popular infection method of 2010 was Trojans, making up 55.91% of all infections according to Panda Labs.

Rogueware and or fake antivirus software will continue to dominate in 2011. The biggest problem is education and not with the legitimate security software people have installed on their systems. People fall too easy for this popular online scam. Once a person sees a fake scan or pop-ups in the system tray advising of a threat, they immediately panic.

The reason why your current security program does not catch, quarantine or remove these threats is because the threats are new or your security software may not be up to date.

Take the necessary steps to avoid these threats by updating your security software. Try to avoid visiting web sites you never heard of or links that are shared with you on a social network or in an email. It is very easy to visit an unknown web site and get an infection without knowing you got one.

To be sure you don’t fall victim, download the WOT add-on which shows you which websites you can trust for safe surfing, shopping and searching on the web.

Spam is still one of the most dominate forms of spreading infections and scams. You can expect it to be the top threat in 2011. There’s no end in site and by what I read from some security researches, they also expect it to exceed 2010 totals.

Cybercrime is big business and now with Facebook as the leading playground for these crooks, expect some big and nasty things to come in 2011. If you think you can’t be scammed or infected, think again, it happens to the most savvy computer people, even yours truly.

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