With advanced technology, people spend most of their time working on a computer. To add to this, a significant percentage of every human beings’ day is usually looking at a screen. It can be a computer, mobile device, or tablet. The excitement of the entertainment or productivity one can achieve on these screens, and people do not take note of the effects that these screens have on our bodies. Looking at screens for an extended time causes physical strain to one’s body. It causes straining your eyes, improper positioning, or sitting without proper foot support. In case you need to spend countless nights at dissertation writing, you can save yourself an eye strength and purchase dissertation. Protect your eyes at all times.

People who spend prolonged time looking at a screen can experience computer vision syndrome, also known as CVS. CVS puts a strain on the visual system. It causes fatigue, headache, shoulder pain, dry eyes, and other symptoms.

How can you protect your eyes from this strain, the discomfort, and injury resulting from prolonged computer usage? The tips below can help reduce the risk of straining your eye and injuring it due to prolonged use of computers:

  1. When using computers Take breaks

Give your eyes a break considering they work all the time. Eyes use a more than a single muscle group. Rest your eyes by focusing on something either near or far. Another activity you can try is rolling your eyes clockwise and then anticlockwise.

  1. Change the Position of the Monitor

Adjust the monitor height and position. Ensure that the top of your screen is at eye level. The position of the monitor should be at least 20 inches from your eyes and about arm’s length distance. If you have a bigger screen, add more viewing distance. Adjust the screen position to keep the glare down.

  1. Reduce the screen glare

When you are using the computer in a room. Avoid glare, which is a significant cause strain to the eye. Ensure you control that the light that is entering the room. Consider using dimmer light bulbs to control the light. If You can’t control the lighting, buy anti-glare to filter the light reflected.

  1. Frequently Blink.

Blinking prevents drying out your eyes. Dry eyes pose a problem using the screen, and your blink rate decreases during screen time. If you use contact lenses, this is important. If blinking doesn’t reduce the dryness from your eyes, consult your optician about it so that you can find drops that work for you.

  1. Avoid strong lights

When exposed to light for a long time. Practice “palming,” this is putting your hand on your eyes without touching them. Another way is to close your eyes periodically.

  1. Wear glasses that fit.

Ensure that you position your computer monitor so that you can use it without having to tilt your head back. Adjust them properly to see, especially if you wear glasses.

  1. Get Computer Glasses

The lens of the glasses relaxes the amount needed to keep things in focus on the computer monitor. It also provides a large field of view.

  1. Move!

Do not sit for long at the computer; it is harmful. It brings pain to the body and causes stiffness too. To avoid this, move up and around regularly.


As much as computers have made work easier, your health should come first.

Follow the tips above to ensure that you are safe. Always take a break from the screen to protect your eyes and stretch often for the best functioning of your body.

Author Bio

Chris Mcdonald

Gravatar id: chrismcdonald423@gmail.com

Chris Mcdonald has been the lead news writer at CompleteConnection. His passion for helping people in all aspects of online marketing flows through in the expert industry coverage he provides.  Apart from working at Complete Connection he likes spending his time with family, studying martial arts and plucking fat bass guitar strings.

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