In the last ten years or so, a wide variety of threats to computer data has been identified and addressed. Viruses, Trojans, hackers, and many other enemies have emerged and been battled. In addition, damaged or failed hard drives have been circumvented by better repair techniques and external storage like the Cloud.if-computer-overheated

Lost in all the virtual threats, though, has been the very worry that once was at the top of the list for computer owners: Physical damage. Where computers were once considered fragile, delicate items, there is now a considerably more laid-back attitude about the daily banging and clanging of equipment. That’s largely due to overall improvements in computer construction, but it’s also because so many users have sensitive and important data stored on these units.

Here’s a look at some of the issues that are drifting from user consciousness and how to combat them.

Shocks & Impacts

Many people first suspect laptops as being the most likely victims of these pitfalls. While the floor does get regular visits from these machines, unless you get your desktop from a specialized manufacturer like, it is far from immune to the occasional beating. Desktops are often installed on the floor, getting impacts from vacuum cleaners and errant footsteps. Offices and homes get rearranged, moving the machines around and leaving them on their sides or inverted for long periods of time, sometimes while powered up. This kind of rough handling can damage the hard drive, leaving data destroyed or inaccessible. Avoiding these computer injuries means properly locating computers to avoid falling objects, such as merchandise in a retail area or warehouse space. Heavy tools, books, and so forth should not be near the workstation.


Electricity and moisture just don’t mix. Even though many of the metals used in computers don’t corrode easily, there are still ample opportunities for water to ruin the operation of an otherwise-healthy machine. The power supply components can be most vulnerable, leading to surges or power failures that can easily damage functional components. The cures here are simple. First, the computer shouldn’t be used in a high-humidity area, such as a garage or damp basement. Second, any potential for water leaks from plumbing or heating and cooling units should be considered when positioning computers. Finally, a dehumidifier should be considered to monitor and maintain normal moisture levels.


Any electronic item has an acceptable range of temperatures for operation. Anything over or below that can cause serious malfunctions. Air movement can be one cause of overheating. Many computers are stowed away inside desks or cabinets, and daily handling can gradually push them further into a deep corner where air circulates poorly. Ensure that machines have good air movement, particularly around any venting openings but for the entire machine as well. Limit the quantity of items stored atop computers. Also consider any sources of external heat, such as vents, furnaces, fireplaces and so forth. Keep in mind that while the overall temperature of the room may be comfortable, such hot spots can exist. And remember coolness issues such as drafty doors, nearby coolers (such as in stores and restaurants), and air conditioning vents.

To maximize the viability of your computing techniques, make sure you care for the computer itself as carefully as its contents.