Cybercrime has been on the rise and we have reported such news in previous posts. It’s important that everyone bookmark this resource, in the event you become a victim.

McAfee® launches a Cybercrime Response Unit, an online help center designed to assist victims of computer crime and provide information on how to avoid becoming a victim. To learn more about the Cybercrime Response Unit, watch this 5 minute introductory video. (If you do not have the latest Media Player plug-in, please be aware that you will be prompted to download it.)

On the following pages, you will find advice and technical assistance to help you:

  • Determine the likelihood that your computer or computing habits may be linked to fraudulent activities you are currently experiencing
  • Work with your financial institutions and creditors to clear up any fraudulent or unauthorized activity
  • Report the crime to the appropriate law enforcement
  • Lower your risk of being a victim of a future cybercrime

If you feel you have been a victim of cybercrime, complete their one-page risk assessment form.

Assess your risk here.

Learn more by visiting the McAfee website here.