Phishing is a well known way to entice you to visit a Web site that can exploit your browser and plant malware on your machine. Web content filtering isn’t enough to combat malware deployed over the Web because content filters usually analyze entire sites and not specific pages. So if malware is hosted on a hacked site or a big public site, then a content filter typically won’t stop users from visiting specific pages.
We talked about legitimate sites that have malware delivery systems in a previous blog. Here’s one of them (Sony’s U.S. PlayStation 3 site). According to Sophos ( a security company who has made an effort in warning many internet users about this problem. In a recent study, 79 percent of Web sites hosting malware-infected pages were legitimate business sites.
Malware includes threats such as trojans, bots, rogues, spyware, worms, rootkits, and adware. The bot is a particularly pernicious piece of malware that is on the rise.
What are bots?
A bot is simply a program that runs automated tasks on the Internet. Not all bots are bad, but obviously the ones we are concerned with are the nasty kind. They are planted on a computer in the manner described above and used to do a whole bunch of dirty deeds, such as performing click fraud, sending spam, harvesting usernames and passwords, launching DDoS attacks, and spreading other viruses and worms.
malware, from microsoft’s desktop to yours!
You’re right! It affects every OS.
euphoria is a blatant redirect site ,for sure lately
Thank you for the heads-up!
Hi Frank
I think you have made a small mistake in your article. Sophos hasn’t been found having malicious code on its website – instead we’re the security company who have been warning about this problem (you quote our 79% of hacked websites are legitimate stat for instance)
I hope that helps clarify things
Graham Cluley, senior technology consultant, Sophos
I will edit accordingly and I do apologize for the over site.
I will edit accordingly and I do apologize for the over sight.
Very true!
I have had to remove Rootkits and major nasties from the PC’s of unsuspecting clients! Malware is a serious problem, and I want to go onrecord as wanting public executions of Malware coders and spammers. and yes, I would pull the switch.
It’s a pain, but we all need to pay attention on what we do on the internet.
Hello Frank,
This is my first time here, and I’m not a computer geek. However, upon reading your post, I’d like to know how I’m going to avoid being the victim of malware. If I understood what I read, you were simply reporting the kinds of malware programs there are out there and the malicious things they can inflict into our computer systems, but you didn’t give suggestions how to avoid being the victim. Or did I miss it completely? These malware programs or software seem ominous to our technology. The way it sounds from the post, no one is immuned, since many of the ligitimate sites even have them and not know it. This is very alarming to me.
The post was to make people aware that scams can draw you into believing a site is friendly when it really is not. Search wisely and don’t click on email links unless your familiar with the sender.
Thanks for taking the time to respond to my question.
Have a great week.
You’re very welcome!
“You’re right! It affects every OS.”
not every OS
I’ve been using Linux for over 10 years, and you know how many times I’ve been infected ?
I also use Linux and it’s by far a very safe OS.
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