Everyday I search the internet reading through technology blogs and noticed something really amazing, no I have not discovered the new internet. I have discovered that there aren’t many female tech bloggers. Just let me say one thing, female tech bloggers write much more interesting content than their counterparts, me included. They write with passion like we all do, but provide an emotion more so than the male counterpart. This by far drives me to read further through the story.

One of my favorite female bloggers (authors) is Mary-Jo Foley of ZDNet who authors a blog called “All about Microsoft”. She really knows her stuff and I mean she knows it cold! I enjoy reading her articles each day or when ever there’s a fresh one posted. We need more Mary-Jo Foley’s writing tech blogs.

TechJaws.com is currently seeking a tech blogger to contribute fresh news articles based on Technology or Science. This has been a challenging task so far, but we are looking to hit gold soon.

If you’re interested in being an author for TechJaws.com, send us an email with samples of your work, experience, and expertise in what technology to boscony@yahoo.com.

How to qualify as an author for TechJaws.com:

  • Passionate and knowledgeable about Technology
  • You can contribute a new blog daily
  • You can author original content as well as opinion and commentary from other sources
  • You must be active in one of the popular social networks (StumbleUpon, Reddit or Digg)
  • You should have knowledge with WordPress on writing, tagging, and editing
  • You can commit to the success of building a fan base for TechJaws.com

I look forward to your responses!