In 1984, Apple Computer began selling its Macintosh PC. This day marks the 25th anniversary for the Mac.Apple

The Macintosh initially sold well, but follow-up sales were not strong. The machine’s fortunes changed with the introduction of the LaserWriter, the first PostScript laser printer to be offered at a reasonable price point, and PageMaker, an early desktop publishing package. The Mac was particularly powerful in this market due to its advanced graphics capabilities, which were already necessarily built-in to create the intuitive Macintosh GUI.

Delivering his keynote at the Macworld Expo on January 9, 2007, Steve Jobs announced that Apple Computer, Inc. would from that point on be known as Apple Inc. The event also saw the announcement of the iPhone and the Apple TV.

Microsoft’s (MSFT) Windows, while still dominant with a 90.23% share, has been slowly losing ground. Apple’s (AAPL) operating systems, by contrast, have been gaining share at a fairly brisk pace 8.28% as of October 2008.

The Mac has gained popularity over the last couple of years, but it’s still far behind the PC/Windows.

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