As a developing brand, the last thing you’d want to do is to make common mistakes that many small business owners make when launching their online presence. We have researched the 6 Costly Web Design Mistakes to Avoid.

Having a unique and captivating website is not an option anymore. It is a requirement for getting new clients, establishing credibility, and improving client relationships.

Ideally, an effective website will provide a steady flow of targeted leads, great user experience, and be a touch point to engage with buyers.

The best time to look at your web strategy is now. That’s why it is vital to uncover the common web design mistakes to avoid.

Here we’ll cover some of the major problems that will bring in more leads with easy and quick fixes.

But before developing or redesigning your website, ask yourself:

  • Who are the target customers or clients?
  • What goals do you intend to achieve?
  • What are the effective ways of driving traffic to the website?
  • Who shall you hire to update your website, and how often?
  • What’s your budget?

Now, let’s look at some of the costly web design mistakes that you need to avoid in 2020 and beyond. Let’s dive in:

1. Using Unclear Brand Message

This is probably the worst mistake. Why? Because when a user clicks your page, they want to know what your website is all about within a few seconds.

You can do everything else right, but if a visitor can’t easily understand what your website is all about, they’ll leave your site.

About 46% of buyers will leave a website if they can’t understand what the site is all about. You should ensure that your products and services have a clear view. You can also include awards, testimonials, and industry affiliates as a way of building credibility.

2. Failure to Customize Free Templates or Themes

There’s a need to customize the themes used in creating content management systems. There are several themes aimed at certain businesses, industries, and styles you can choose from.

But with any of these templates, several websites will appear the same. It is up to you and your website design company to make adjustments that will not only make your site unique but also make it more effective.

Even if you are in love with a theme, sit with your designer and see the changes that you can make. A good developer can easily make changes that will attract users without letting go of the basic design framework.

3. Your Website Isn’t Mobile Responsive

Web design has to keep up with many shifts in mobile device updates, browsing behavior as well as other trends. Mobile-friendly websites can stand the test of time as users can access it from anywhere.

This can mean making more sales as more people no longer hang to the idea of waiting to get on their PC to make a purchase.

Besides, most people are likely to close a website on realizing that it’s not mobile-friendly.

4. Misplaced Headers, Footers, and Sidebars

Web design has undergone tremendous changes in the recent past. Days of using one center block flanked by headers, sidebars, and footers are gone. The use of a grid system and content blocks to separate your content can be helpful to users. This also allows you to highlight some valuable content, ads, pages, or even promotions.

But sidebars can be distracting at times. It is, therefore, essential to do user testing so you can determine how effective they are.

5. Using Inappropriate Images

Graphics and photos are an integral part of web design. Images offer an excellent way to convey complex thoughts without having to read texts physically. Having said that, a lot of businesses make the mistake of using low-quality images or inappropriate images.

But using low-quality images will muck up your site and turn off many visitors. In the same way, inappropriate images and graphics will confuse readers, making them unsure of the message you’re trying to convey.

6. Not Having a Clear Call to Action

Lack of call to action is another huge mistake that many small business owners make.

An effective user experience design should answer the question of what to do, where to go, and how to feel after buying a product or service.

A call to action will let visitors know what their next step is. Be sure to keep it simple and clear.

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