Greenpeace has released a report saying that video game consoles, along with many other consumer electronics, contain below-regulation but still potentially harmful amounts of bromine, PVCs, and other potentially harmful chemicals.

While you Sharks at home taking it to the streets in GTA IV probably aren’t immediately at risk, these devices will remain in your homes for a few years at least, and either wind up in a closet like your NES only to be pulled out years later, or wind up in a landfill somewhere. At any rate, exposure is exposure, even if it’s below European regulations – and over time, could cause serious problems with your health.

This situation is serious enough that these chemicals are not allowed to be used at all in toys intended for small children. The report did show that in the latest generation of consoles, the manufacturers had “tried” to use less harmful chemicals than previous models.

Here’s a video from Greenpeace’s web site (linked above):

Is Greenpeace’s report just being alarmist, or do we have genuine concerns here? Should gaming console manufacturers clean up their act? Let us know your thoughts in the comments.

-The Raging Tech