One feature that ranks highly with most iPhone customers is video recording. Now there are two options for recording video on the iPhone – the only caveat is that you have to jailbreak your iPhone to use them.

iSmashphone posted a review of the two video recording apps, Cycorder (free) and Video Recorder (US$20).

Cycorder features real-time compression but doesn’t have audio recording. Video Recorder features audio, portrait mode and YouTube sharing but no real-time compression (”it took over 2 minutes to encode a 30-second video.”)

If you have a jailbroken iPhone running 2.0 software, you can find Cycorder and Video Recorder via Cydia. Cycorder is a product from the developer of Cydia. Cycorder does not have audio recording at this time, but since it’s only a first release, we won’t be surprised to find it in the future.

Cycorder user interface has a record option and immediate access to your recorder files. If you are looking for your videos after recording, they are in the Videos directory on your iPhone.

Both recorders are respectable entries into video recording for iPhone. The developers took different approaches for each and it is nice to see some creativity. Cycorder beats Video Recorder hands down on the real-time compression capability and video quality. On another hand, Video Recorder is truly a full-feature recorder for iPhone. It is for you to decide which program you like the most.