On December 1st, if you look towards the southwest just after sunset you will see a close conjunction between three bright solar system objects: the Moon, Venus and Jupiter. If you have binoculars, you might even be able to fit all three of them in the field of view. Between now and then, you can see Jupiter and Venus getting closer together each evening.
In a previous blog called “The Moon, Venus, and Jupiter Together”
The Moon, will be very low in the southwestern twilight as it approaches Venus and Jupiter from below (or west) shortly after sunset. Look early, because all three set roughly two hours after sunset. Best views likely will be from about a half hour to an hour after sunset. By Monday evening (12/1) the Moon has passed the two planets, and is somewhat higher and easier to spot. The Moon occults (eclipses) Venus at about 11 a.m. EST on Monday morning, but this is not visible in North America except from far northeastern Canada (as well as parts of northern Europe).
Enjoy the view!
Shame it’s been misty here for the last couple of days. I’ll get my telescope out just in case it clears up.
Here in Illinois there calling for snow, which will not be good for viewing. I am hoping that it clears by Monday evening.
What a sight this must be to see! Hope the weather is clear there by Monday and Frank will post pictures for the rest of us out west.
I would love to see pictures as it may not be clear here in Chi-Town.
Thank you Jilli!
The weather was miserable. I checked on 01 Dec and for about a week after.
I saw them one night, but it’d clouded over by the time I got home :-(