There will be no day off as this has yet to be declared a national holiday. Sorry for the bad news.

Microsoft plans on Tuesday to announce “Global Anti-Piracy Day,” an effort to gain attention for the steps the company undertakes in order to thwart those who would profit from illegitimate software.

As part of the event, Microsoft is highlighting recent antipiracy efforts in 49 countries, ranging from the filing of lawsuits in the U.S. to a seminar for journalists in Pakistan.

It’s the kind of thing that Microsoft does all the time, although the company is aiming for some added ink by grouping together so many actions at once.

“One of the things we want to illustrate with this announcement is the diverse nature of the work,” associate general counsel David Finn said in an interview from Singapore.

The third pillar of Microsoft’s efforts is its engineering work, adding programs like Windows Genuine Advantage that are designed to make it harder–and less rewarding–to copy Microsoft’s products.

Read more from Yahoo!