I just read the latest blog from Dana Blankenhorn of ZDnet.com called “The real drug problem is in your mind” and I was totally caught off guard. After reading through his blog, I realized that Dana missed something important that would have made more sense.

A drug that’s not classified as psychoactive is still a drug if it’s offered by prescription only. It’s considered a controlled substance, and if taken without a prescription, it’s called drug abuse.

I am not attacking Dana, but he misses a point that needed to be clarified.

The key statement there was “controlled substance”. Sorry you missed this one, and I hope you don’t think I am being too critical, as I do enjoy many of your blogs.

Drugs, no matter narcotic or prescription are the same when it comes to your health. The most popular prescription drugs are pain killers, and they’re popular amongst Hollywood stars and athletes.

Just a word of advice. Make sure you have that PHD in front of your name before making statements, opinions or commentary on health related issues. It carries more weight.