The last 24 hours have been the most frustrating for me with going off the air. The reason for the outage is both good and bad.

The Good:

We received more than 10,000 unique visitors between 2:00pm and 4:00pm CDT on October 31st.

The Bad:

According to our current host company, TechJaws exceed the CPU utilization during that time period. This caused all the virtual accounts on that server to respond slow or not respond at all.

I am in the process of trying to get my upload files, image folder, and get the other two domains back online as they’re paid for until 8/2009. This process of getting my account un-suspended has been painful to say the least. It would have been a great close for the month of October with that traffic I missed out on. It also would have been a great start for the month of November.

I would like to thank all of you who were concerned and sent emails. I received more than 100 emails in the last 24 hours.

Thank you all, you’re the best!