You guys are really something! We’ve had a good group of you sign up for our Tech Jaws Weekly Digest e-mail newsletter, and everyone who signs up during the month of June gets entered into our Feeding Frenzy contest!

Our first week’s winner is Susie from over at, “where the music comes out on paper!”

Soul-to-Soul features a lot of pencil-drawing sketch art and insightful writings, and it’s neat to just sit and enjoy the art. Take some time out of your day and visit her blog. Susie is the winner of a 4GB Kingston DataTraveler USB Flash Drive, which will be mailed to her shortly!

Susie says, “TechJaws is a great site full of great information on products, software & anything tech-related. Driven by the passion to assist people and share the knowledge. I feel its an awesome site! Thanks guys!”

You hungry Sharks still have plenty of chances to win! Sign up for our Weekly Digest if you haven’t already (see the sign-up form on the right-hand sidebar), and each week in June we’ll be randomly picking a winner to be announced in the e-mail newsletter as well as here on the site!

There are still a couple of 4GB Flash Drives as well as some $20 Go-Daddy gift cards left to be given away each week this month, so sign up and confirm your e-mail to be entered to win!

-The Raging Tech