It’s day one of Shark Week here on Tech Jaws. We are featuring two blogs each day from August 3rd to August 7th. Potpolitics and Deneil Merritt kick off Shark Week!



John Sullivan is the author of and his unique writing style will surely interest you. John tells it like it is, good or bad. His bark is just as big as his byte. You will see evidence of this by reading through a few articles that he has published. John is passionate about blogging and helping other bloggers. He is also a Google nerd, sorry, but it’s true. John tries very hard in getting the most out of Google.

Potpolitics is no ordinary fly-by-night blog. It provides a plethora of topics that will interest many visitors. I like it when John gets into a rank, he will have you rolling!

Potpolitics is a dofollow blog and rewards its visitors with link juice.

Title: Potpolitics

Rating (1-5) 5 being the best

Design: 3.8 – Easy on the eyes, quick page loads, needs to remove some of the widgets, it’s a little busy.
Content: 4.3 – Relevant, Original, and a variety of internet information.
Activity: 5.0 – Very active blogger, posting multiple blogs per day.
Overall: 4.36 = Tiger Shark


Deneil Merritt is the author of the same name. The blog provides information on how to make money online, but it doesn’t stop there. Deneil likes to mix it up a little which allows him to reach a wider audience. I recently met Deneil Merritt who goes by the name kushmoney on StumbleUpon. If you are interested in learning how to monetize your blog, visit today!

Title: Deneil Merritt

Rating (1-5) 5 being the best

Design: 4.5 – Easy to navigate, quick page loads, need to remove the social network bar in the header to improve real estate.
Content: 4.4 – Informative, Original, and helpful information on making money online.
Activity: 5.0 – Active blogger, posting blogs daily.
Overall: 4.63 = Great White Shark

Overall Rating

Great White Shark = 4.5 to 5.0
Tiger Shark = 4.0 to 4.49
Bull Shark = 3.5 to 3.99

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