Ladies and Gentlemen, it’s day two of Shark Week here on Tech Jaws. We’ll be showing you some real Sharks of tech news every day this week. We think these bloggers, columnists, and web site operators have what it takes to be part of the feeding frenzy.

Today’s Shark is one we featured during the original Shark Week post yesterday, but we thought we’d give him his real review today. I first found Mike’s blog through Entrecard just last month – he’s an avid advertiser, often buying advertising on The Raging Tech (my blog) and many of my Entrecard friends’ blogs.

Not just an avid advertiser, he’s an avid technology and gadget fan as well! I’ve gotten many delicious technology morsels from his blog, including the WordPress Admin Theme Preview plug-in, which is now deprecated, but still functions mostly correctly in WP 2.5.

Title: Michael Aulia’s Blog

Rating (1-5) 5 being the best

Design: 4.5 – Smooth design, loads quickly.
Content: 4.6 – Relevant, Well-Written, and Useful information.
Activity: 5.0 – Popular, and this author posts regularly.
Overall: 4.7 = Great White Shark

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