The following are some of the SEO strategies that we use everyday and are highly recommended.

There are many SEO related articles on the internet that you should also research. We recommend that before you take advice from any web site, make sure they can back up their claims by checking their current PageRank, Alexa, and any other tools you currently use to measure your site analytics.

Link building is very important for blogs, it will help with gaining backlinks and increasing your PageRank with Google. Targeting keywords that you can rank for quickly is very important. To begin building links you should do the following;

Link Building:

  • Link exchanges with target keyword anchor text
  • Quality comments on blogs that have a PR2 and higher that are dofollow blogs
  • Quality comments on .gov and .edu blogs that are dofollow, these domains are very trusted by Google
  • Social Network Submissions (StumbleUpon, Digg, Reddit, Mixx, etc.)
  • Dofollow forum signature links

What to write:

Read other media sites and see what the latest buzz is within your interest and write about it. You should avoid copying another blog post word for word. Be creative and add your opinion or commentary about the latest buzz. Use a catchy title that will create curiosity and interest.

Recommended SEO related WordPress plug-ins:

It’s important to not blog for the sake of blogging, but to provide value and to write about topics you know well. Be original, and creative so that your audience will come back for more.

Our results using these strategies:

Blog launch May 2008
Alexa: 232,078
PageRank: 2
Total backlinks: 180
Average Unique Visits Daily: 320

Current Stats (9 Months later)
Alexa: 57K (Was as low as 54K)
PageRank: 3 (Was a PR4 before last update on January 1, 2009)
Total backlinks: 6226
Average Unique Visits Daily: 1124

Check your backlinks using this Free Backlink Checker.

I hope this will help you in obtaining your goals, increasing your traffic, and popularity.