If you are currently running ad campaigns using Google AdWords, you may have received an email that your Google AdWords campaign may have stopped running. The email is not from Google, it is a phishing scam trying to trick users into visiting a bogus website that looks just like the Google AdWords login page.Google Adwords Phishing Attack

If a user logins to the bogus Google AdWords site, they not only have your AdWords credentials, but also your Gmail, Google Docs and Google+.

Example Email

Google AdWords

Your Google campaigns may have stopped running today (Monday, July 25, 2011)

Dear AdWords Advertiser,

For quality services and running your ads without any problems (Innactive account meaning Pausing your Ads) check your AdWords account regularly.

Click here to check your AdWords account now.

2011. Google

The bogus site “google-oa.net” was just registered on 7/26/2011 according to the WHOIS database.

Source: Sophos