There’s no service that provides 100% accuracy unless you have found the perfect world which I doubt. In the analytics world you will always find differences between services. An example of this is Google Analytics versus StatCounter. Both companies provide web analytics, but the data is different for both when looking at Unique Visitors, Pageviews, etc. They are very close which is surprising because some services are so far apart you don’t know which one to believe.Free Web Analytics

Google Analytics Data (February 23, 2011)

  • 2,433 Visits
  • 2,894 Pageviews

StatCounter Data (February 23, 2011)

  • 2,458 Visits
  • 3,017 Page Loads

Google and StatCounter are very close when reporting data, but I found a huge disparity on two services that check Markup Validation.

W3C ( and Nibbler ( both provide validation which checks the markup of HTML and XHTML of Web Documents for errors.

The difference in errors reported is astonishing. I know and trust W3C (The World Wide Web Consortium) who develop Web standards, led by Web inventor Tim Berners-Lee and CEO Jeffrey Jaffe. How can you not trust them, the man who invented the web and not Al Gore is part of this organization.

I ran the markup validation on both sites and here’s what was reported;


Result: 4 Errors
Encoding: utf-8
Doctype: XHTML 1.0 Transitional
Root Element: html
Root Namespace:


W3C compliance

  • A total of 83 errors and 0 warnings were found on the 5 pages tested.
  • No pages are W3C compliant. Because there are errors in the code, some web browsers may not be able to read this website correctly and it may not always display correctly.
  • This website was validated as XHTML 1.0 Transitional

W3C reported 4 errors versus 83 errors reported by nibbler. I know that Nibbler is still in alpha and they may stay that way until their validation tool is a bit more accurate. Nibbler also reports on many other analytics and I found more inconsistencies here as well.

Nibbler misses the mark on many of its reporting metrics including;

Social media (

We found 0 Tweets about this website on Twitter.
The number of tweets in the last 4 days is 30!

There are 0 articles on Digg relating to this website.
The actual number of Diggs is over 1200!

Incoming links

About 12,261 other pages were found linking to this website.
The actual number of incoming links is 16.971.

The overall score 3 days ago was 6.7 and today 5.0. How can an overall score change that much? I guess we will have to wait for beta to see if nibbler improves in accuracy.