If you need money, avoid using any services offered on this site including links to other Payday loan web sites that are listed. I would be very careful in giving out personal information with any of the sites included on their web page. The web site is called “Check into Cash”, but you are redirected to http://www.thankyousearch.com which is an unprofessional looking page with links to other Payday loan sites.
The site has both a Privacy Policy and Contact link which doesn’t work, go figure. The site also provides an opt out or unsubscribe link which doesn’t work, as I have opted out of receiving emails from this site over 30 days ago. They state “It may take up to ten (10) business days to successfully remove your name from our lists.”
The unsubscribe link goes to an email harvester page under the guise of a spam removal service. The intent of this service is to harvest active emails and sell them for profit or use them for other illegal activity.
Example Email
Subject line: Fast, Online Approval with Check Into Cash
From: Payday Loans daily@pietyexplicit.com
The domain is listed on several blacklists, including Spacequad AntiSpam Services and appeared on an automatically composed list of spamvertised websites as low reliability.
If you receive an email that looks like the one above, take no action and just delete the email.
If you need a Payday loan, visit a reputable site, I’ve listed a couple below.
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This is very informative. Thank you.
I have a question about about installing updates with Mr.T exe and mr.tstub. should I remove them? I saw them in the task manager a sit was updating.
Remove them, but first shut those processes down.
My email address has been spoofed and is being used for spammers in the ‘from’ field. It often shows up in my spam folder. Does this mean that my real email address is designated as spam, and whomever I email will have my emails go to their spam folder too?