Netflix has been really spinning up new ways to get more customers and this is one that makes sense.

Netflix may be considering adding a premium tier to its “Watch Instantly” online streaming service. If it does, subscribers will probably have to pay more, but it could also eventually mean better access to new movie releases.

Netflix subscribers have access to over 12,000 movies and TV shows, but they may also eventually be able to stream premium movies and original series’ from cable channels like HBO. The company revealed that it’s at least entertaining such an idea through a question on a recent consumer survey, though customers would have to pay another $10 per month to get access to the premium content.

I was selected to take the survey that was only sent to a handful of Netflix customers. The survey asked whether you would be interested in such a service. The page says that customers would pay an additional $9.99 on top of their normal Netflix subscriptions and that they could watch the premium content on their computers and on a number of other Netflix-capable devices, such as the Roku, Xbox 360, and TiVo.


Some of the HBO original series listed in the survey include The Wire, Rome, Curb Your Enthusiasm, and Flight of the Concords, and the movies include Children of Men, I Am Legend, and Jumper.

$9.99 for HBO? Sign me up!