I have a long drive to work, 45 minutes most days. I would go crazy if I didn’t have my tech podcasts. Here are some good Tech related podcasts if you need some good geeky info.

Got to listen to your tech news to keep up with the latest. I like Andy McCaskey at SDR News.  He compiles a collection of news highlights from Slashdot, Digg and Reddit. The news articles are Business ,Tech, and Regulatory News for Tech Managers, Executives, and geeks all over. This podcast is available in just about any format you want. Check the website for details.

The Linux Action show. The Linux Action Show Season 10, starts this Sunday! This is a great tech show for Linux users. They also do video podcasts, youtube videos and have the Linux Action Show in almost every format. Chris and Bryan cover everything Linux, from the OS to Linux toys and everything in between.  The show is distributed through Jupiter Broadcasting. Which also has lots of other shows you may be interested in, take a look. Ask Bryan about his love of Apple!

Finally, Hak 5.  Put together by a band of IT ninjas, security professionals and hardcore gamers, Hak5 isn’t your typical tech show. They take on hacking in the old-school sense, covering everything from network security, open source and forensics, to DIY modding and the homebrew scene. Then they wrap it all up with a healthy dose of cocktails and geek comedy. Damn the warranties, it’s time to Trust your Technolust. Great video podcast.

Hope this helps you get your fill of tech news and info.
