Wehaveitall.net may be the new kid on the block, but the content is A+. I love originality and this blog has that and more. The author is creative and provides a great story line for each blog post that is published. If you are looking to learn or improve your marketing prowess, than Wehaveitall.net may be your next bookmark.

The marketing blogs that intrigued me most are;

Addthis VS Addtoany – which one is better?
Competitor Research Using Alexa – What Alexa has that the competition lacks.
The New Yahoo, the New Google, and their Affect on You – Looking into the future may give you an advantage over your competition.

Title: Wehaveitall.net
URL: http://www.wehaveitall.net

Rating (1-5) 5 being the best

Design: 3.8 – Easy on the eyes, quick page loads, need to add a home link to the header.
Content: 4.3 – Relevant, Original, and insightful information on internet marketing.
Activity: 5.0 – Active blogger, posting blogs daily.
Overall: 4.36 = Tiger Shark

There are many marketing blogs, but Wehaveitall.net may one day be the next creme de la creme when it comes to unique and insightful content. I read hundreds of blogs every month and many of them are about internet marketing. I want to learn about the next new trend that can ultimately put me above the competition or at least be more competitive.

Not all blogs are created equal, it’s the writers responsibility to captivate the reader and convert readers into loyal fans.

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