There is a cool tool that scans databases such as MYSQL in an attempt to find accounts using passwords like “password,” “12345,” “qwerty” and “abc123.”
The program runs through a list of account names and attempts to login using a number of password combination’s to gain access to a users account. This kind of hack can also use bots to register accounts on many web portals using a password generator.
These hacking tools, such as random password generators have made it into the hands of some sophisticated hackers. It’s just a matter of time before someone hacks an enterprise company with the intention to destroy and steal sensitive data.
Proof of burden: Sarah Palin’s email was compromised and I think I know how. I read a post in a private newsgroup that I am a member of, and it stated;
“Palin’s email was easy, but I am not to take full share for the credit. The news reported that Palin was tricked by a service into revealing her password. This is so far from the truth!”
Never have an easy password and never provide your credentials to anyone. Make your passwords strong, so that automated programs will not be successful in guessing your password. I recommend that everyone change their passwords often.