The National Institutes of Health gave data about the growing 65+ population in the United States, it highlighted the aging boomers’ population in 2010 which has increased 12 times in 1900. That’s 4.1 percent to 13.0 percent or 40.3 million 65+ in 2010. By 2050, the aging population has been projected to reach 20.9 percent. Considering the increasing number of senior citizens today who are from the Baby Boom generation, there is also a strong need to intensify the health care services that will be provided. Certainly, technology will facilitate the effective delivery of services. You don’t want to see all of them crowding in the nursing homes. You want them to be taken cared of by their families. Also, most of them want to stay home than in the home for the elderly.
Wherever you go, there is technology. Two decades ago, it started to change the way people live. It was so rapid that many didn’t know that it was already there. People were caught by surprise because technology came so fast. Who would imagine that in one simple click, information will be immediately available? Elderly people who are only familiar with the basic technology like radio, television, and telephone could not cope with the new technology. Since they used simple technology, their life was not as complicated as how people live today.
Elders Can Understand Technology
Introducing new technology to them is like teaching them new tricks. It may be easy to teenagers and adults but not with the elderly. Have you tried teaching a sixty-five year old man how to use an iPhone? For sure, after fifteen minutes, he’ll give up. He will refuse to learn. He will only be interested if it is easy to learn.
Also, how many elderly are using the internet? Though the internet is considered already a user-friendly technology, they still often ask for assistance to check their email or any information that they need. To them, technology must be simple and easy to use. More importantly, it must be something that will help them live and enjoy their lives in their twilight years. Having the necessary technology at home, elderly people can now stay at home than in nursing homes.
Technology Optimization
Technology has to be optimized. It was created to make things easier and convenient. In installing technology in an elderly home, they must be simple to operate. Remember that old people have problems with mobility and technology must be within their reach. One basic example is calling 911. By simply dialing 911, help will come in few minutes. It is a technology that is very helpful and not complicated to use. Many have been rescued and will continue to be rescued by this technology and they will continue to benefit from this.
Choosing The Most Suitable Devices
In making smart homes livable to elders, you have to choose the right and appropriate technology. Many devices have come out but it doesn’t mean you need them. There are new technology products for smart homes to choose from.
Choose what your elders need at home. Consider this situation: If an elder had an accident at home and alone, how can he immediately call for help? He may shout but perhaps no one will hear him. If the phone is not near him, he can’t call. Therefore, you need a basic but powerful technology at home. Basic technology continues to exist which triggered a lot of technology to be developed.
Right Technology For Smart Homes
As technology continues to advance, everyone must see its benefits. Crimes have been prevented and lawbreakers were caught with the help of CCTV.
Today, technology is integrated in homes which are called smart homes. Smart homes have been defined as the integration of technology and services through home networking for a better quality of life. Having the right technology at home most especially for the elderly, it will be easier to monitor them.
Just Press The Button
Sound catches the attention of everyone. If you hear an explosion, you turn your attention to where it happened. When someone rings the bell, you are alerted. If you hit the buzzer, you know that someone will attend to you. Aside from CCTV cameras, it is ideal to have an alarm system in smart homes. This is a very basic technology that continues to yield positive results in emergency cases.
A smart home with elderly people should be equipped with an alarm system with emergency buttons strategically placed. Accidents happen mostly in the bedroom, stairs, restrooms, living room, and kitchen. If there are emergency buttons in smart homes, elderly people will be safe and secured, including their loved ones. There are practical alarm systems that are available in the market. A wireless button that can be mounted in areas where an accident can occur. It is an emergency button which can double as a button that will answer incoming calls when the telephone is not in reach. Elderly people will easily find this device due to its large red button that releases a blinking light to help them move around even when it’s dark.
Monitoring Your Loved Ones Using Smartphones
An elderly may not know that his condition is being tracked while he is at home because sensors can now be connected easily to a smartphone where loved ones can monitor their elderly and respond to emergencies immediately. Just like the 77-year old woman who has an Alzheimer’s disease that didn’t know that she is being monitored by her children. They received a special notification alerting them regarding their mother’s condition through their smartphones. If this kind of technology is used, worries and fears can be lessened and will make elderly people feel safe even if they prefer to stay home.
Technology is here to stay no matter what happens. When the right technology is installed and are easy to use, it makes smart homes livable to elders. Installed devices must neither bother nor annoy the elders. More importantly, they must understand why they need to use them. If you want your elders to enjoy the last years of their lives, you must not think twice in equipping your home with the technology that will make them feel safe, secured, and happy. After all, life is meant to be enjoyed and lived to the full.
thanks for sharing this great article