Not even 2 weeks and Apple’s new iPhone has been already hacked. An international team of programmers announced on Saturday that the device had been “pwned” — hacker jargon for “controlled” or “compromised.”

This organized group, which calls itself the “iPhone-dev team,” played an important role in the worldwide dissemination of the original iPhone, releasing a series of tools that allowed the device to run third-party software and to work in countries where Apple had not yet struck deals with local carriers. By February 2008, estimates of the number of unlocked iPhones in circulation around the world ranged from 800,000 to 1.5 million.

The value of the latest hack, dubbed Pwnage 2.0 and available for free download here, is not so clear.

For one thing, although it “jailbreaks” the new iPhone — meaning it allows it to use programs not authorized by Apple, it does not yet “unlock” it to run on unauthorized cellular networks.