Google made a significant change to its algorithm on or around August 20 which really benefits brand names. They are allowing one domain to have many results in the first page. These brands which are well known are dominating in SERP by a landslide. An example of this is Apple iPod. There are 7 results on the first page that all point to

There are many web owners crying foul because they’re noticing significant drops in traffic from Google. There was one site that dropped by 80% from Big G.Google Search Changes

Google’s blog dated August 20:

Today we’ve launched a change to our ranking algorithm that will make it much easier for users to find a large number of results from a single site. For queries that indicate a strong user interest in a particular domain, like [exhibitions at amnh], we’ll now show more results from the relevant site:

I am not sure if I want to click on the same site 7 times on the first page only to be shown the same content over and over again. On the upside, Google is now serving up more relevant websites based on a search term. This may also minimize the amount of malicious sites that show up in SERP.

I know that Sears with its brands is smiling and for a very good reason, thanks to Google.