Security bloggers have already discovered a slip or should I say a leak in the “Chrome” browser. Built on top of the Apple sponsored WebKit engine, the browser offers several security features that are seen in the beta releases of IE8.

Chrome or rust? We will find out soon as this new browser has what it takes to stand up with the competition.

The most interesting feature discussed so far is the strict memory separation afforded by the technology, where each web application will operate in its own memory space with its own virtual machine for code execution.

Browsers are like old goat operating systems that can handle asynchronous network traffic, user input, data rendering, and code execution. Anything created in the past 20 years, implement many of technologies that allow for the safe execution of multiple processes simultaneously, such as individual memory spaces for each application.

What does this all mean? This helps prevent the crash of one application from taking down the entire system by not allowing applications to corrupt each other’s memory spaces.

Google has a long road ahead, but with this cash cow at the helm, it will take no time to produce a World class browser. Should Firefox and IE be worried? I would be if you look at the financial data Google has.