If you receive an email from Bank of America, be certain that it’s the legitimate website. The website below is a fraud and it’s a copy of the legitimate Bank of America (https://www.bankofamerica.com/index.jsp). The fake Bank of America website is http://www.b-of-america.co.cc.
The criminal behind this was sloppy when he copied the legitimate site. The real site below is different in many ways, but at first glance, a person could be fooled by the fake and fraudulent Bank of America website.
Here’s is the Domain information of the fake Bank of America website
Notice the creation date and obviously the domain name.
If you receive any communication from Bank of America, please check the web address and the email address carefully.
It really pays to always double check the web address. Thanks for the mentioned tips…
Thanks God, i didn’t get any mail from that side, by the way thanks for the news.
Good catch man. Glad I read your blog. I can help others :)
Thank you for spreading the word!
I receive the same email !
Thanks for warning people before they lose a lot of money to this fraud.
The trouble with these kinds of insidious scams is that they often prey on the elderly.
Or perhaps someone with poor eyesight… or even the person who is not quite paying full attention. I’m guessing that they are sent out en masse, so there are probably always a few people caught unawares.
They also give a bad name to people who are working on legitimate email marketing.
Thanks for the warning. Hopefully someone will track that person down to prevent something like this from happening again.