If you haven’t notice the new functionality of the Facebook “Like” Button, it now does the same thing the Share did. It’s about time and I think many users will like this new function a lot better, I know I will. In the past you had two options on Facebook – like it or share it, but now if you like something it will post a blurb and thumbnail to your wall. I think this makes it a lot easier and also better for the social junkies in us.Facebook Like Butoon now Shares

In other words, the Like button will now be function the same way as the Facebook Share button. This will definitely get more people’s attention over the old way. Hitting the Like button before the change usually would go unnoticed.

Facebook Spokeswoman Malorie Lucich told Mashable that the Like button is the “recommended solution moving forward,” but called the new changes a “test” to gauge reaction from users and developers. Unlike some of Facebook’s prior experiments, we don’t see foresee this one causing any major revolts.

Lucich told Mashable that the latest change is only a test, but the site was quick to point out that test features on the social network are normally rolled out to a few users before going site-wide. That’s not the case with this tweak.

One of our authors – Nikola Ranguelov pointed out an excellent observation or at least a concern. How will the Like button determine what thumbnail to use? The Share feature provides the user with a choice of what thumbnail they would like to use with the content they’re sharing. If there’s no way of doing this, than there will be many irrelevant thumbnails associated with the new Like button functionality.

Check out this article – http://www.techi.com/2011/02/why-the-facebook-like-button-change-is-a-bait-and-switch/

I like it and I will use it a lot more often!