
I know, I know, you love Entrecard and you blog about it most of the time. I find it rather entertaining that some webmasters even own domain names with “Entrecard” in them. What were you thinking? You’re dependent on the success of a site that at most times, is slow and sometimes unavailable; a rocky trip for an early success story.

In January, the value of an Entrecard credit was relatively high, but not today. The value per 1000 EC’s in January was around $7.50, but today it’s barley worth $3.50 per 1000. I recently had 67 ads running concurrently and I received only 23 referrals from those ads. This is an awful click ratio for a 1300 ec investment.

The outages and slow page loads are not a good thing for any start-up, but with the a lack of funding it’s hard to scale up this great concept for the members of Entrecard.

The forums are a tragic waste! I see many posts that really offer good incentives, but members don’t get it. I see posts offering up EC’s for Stumbles, Comments and yet no one replies. This absolutely confirms why the value of Entrecard credits are down.

I am much more productive blogging without depending on Entrecard credits as a primary advertising source. I dropped 300 cards for 67 days straight to gain more ad space through Entrecard credits, but the referral traffic from these ad campaigns just didn’t hit the ball out of the park.

Entrecard recently they added a few great additions to their web site. You can read all about it at Entrecard. We still love Entrecard, don’t get me wrong – but the honeymoon period is over. We are still happy to have found many friends through this site.

We would like to hear your thoughts on Entrecard. If you’re here to defend its merits, remember to be civil. Leave us a comment!

-Frank J